Macro Trends in Ecommerce: Why Live Shopping Matters

Macro Trends in Ecommerce: Why Live Shopping Matters ---- 5 min read

The Ecommerce Marketing landscape is in a state of constant flux, driven by rapidly changing Buyer Behavior, Technological Advancements, and Market Dynamics. Traditional Marketing approaches are failing because of many headwinds, but at the same time, there are strong tailwinds that if catapulted into, can become significant growth drivers. E-commerce brands need to redefine their strategies according to these Macro trends because Decreasing Session Time of customers, and Low Conversion Rates are worrisome. There is also a lot of competition, making it difficult to differentiate from other brands.

In this context, the rise of Live Shopping presents an innovative solution to address these challenges and align with the evolving Macro Trends in Ecommerce. This article delves into the Macro Trends shaping e-commerce marketing, and explores how Live Shopping has emerged as a strategic response to these trends.

Industry Overview:

In a world dominated by Digital Experiences, brands grapple with the complexities of changing Privacy Policies, Cookie Policies, and OS Updates. The traditional one-way communication between Brands and buyers is losing its effectiveness in capturing the attention of today’s empowered buyers. As a result, brands are increasingly seeking strategies that foster genuine connections and meaningful interactions.

Tailwinds & Headwinds

The marketing landscape is characterized by Tailwinds and Headwinds reshaping the interactions between Brands and Buyers. This context provides the emergence of Live Shopping as a promising approach for Brands to engage with their Buyers more effectively.

Marketing Industry Tailwinds – Positive Macro Trends in Ecommerce

1. Technological Advancements: IoT, 5G, and AR/VR

Technological advancements, including the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the rapid deployment of 5G networks, and the continuous evolution of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, are acting as a powerful tailwind for current macro trends in ecommerce. This convergence is reshaping buyer experiences across industries. The proliferation of IoT devices facilitates seamless connectivity and data sharing, enabling brands to offer personalized solutions and real-time insights to buyers.

The widespread adoption of 5G networks empowers faster and more reliable communication, essential for supporting data-intensive applications. This high-speed connectivity fuels the development of innovative products and services, driving market expansion.

Read More: Online Buyer Retention for Ecommerce: 5 Proven Strategies for Brands.

2. Smartphone Proliferation:

The widespread prevalence of smartphones with high processing power, and high-definition video & audio, complemented by the rapid rollout of high-speed 5G networks, is undeniably fueling the growth momentum of Live Streaming. This convergence has created a remarkable tailwind for brands, revolutionizing the way they engage with their buyers.

The ubiquity of smartphones means that a substantial portion of the population is equipped with a device capable of high-quality video streaming. This device saturation provides brands with an extensive platform to connect with buyers on a personal level, fostering genuine interactions and building trust.

In sum, the symbiotic relationship between smartphone proliferation and 5G connectivity serves as a robust tailwind for Live Streaming powered engaging experiences. Brands can harness this technological synergy to create immediate, authentic connections with their buyers, thereby redefining marketing strategies and enhancing Buyer Engagement in innovative ways.

3. Video Content Dominance 

A strong tailwind propelling Live Shopping is the surge in video consumption, with a projected 82% of global Internet traffic being video by 2024. This shift underscores the alignment between Live Shopping and evolving buyer preferences for engaging visual content.

Live Commerce capitalizes on this macro trend, seamlessly blending entertainment and shopping to capture attention and drive informed purchasing decisions. As video consumption skyrockets, Live Shopping emerges as a transformative solution, poised to thrive in an era where immersive visuals dominate online interactions.

4. Influence of Gen Z

The emergence of Generation Z as a formidable consumer demographic is significantly propelling prevailing macro trends. Gen Z’s distinct preferences, characterized by a strong inclination towards video content and interactive experiences, are synergistically aligning with the evolving Live Shopping model. This alignment is catalyzing innovative transformations within the marketing landscape.

With their innate affinity for authenticity and immersive engagement, Gen Z is driving the demand for experiential shopping that blends entertainment and commerce. The Live Shopping trend leverages real-time video interactions and interactive features, allowing brands to directly connect with their buyers and showcase products in a dynamic and engaging manner.

Brands are strategically adapting to this trend by curating content that resonates with Gen Z’s preferences, fostering meaningful connections and brand loyalty. This shift towards interactive, video-centric strategies not only captures Gen Z’s attention but also generates a ripple effect across other consumer segments, thus amplifying the trend’s impact.

5. Increase in Investment by Brands on Live Shopping 

A remarkable 81% of brands are poised to escalate or maintain their investment in Live Shopping, igniting a retail revolution. This overwhelming commitment underscores Live Shopping’s ability to forge connections and drive sales, positioning it as a pivotal strategy that resonates with modern consumers.

This will also lead to growth in all the adjacent enablers for Live Shopping such as Marketers that craft effective strategies, and Hosts that promote products well and engage buyers.

As more merchants embrace Live Shopping, it fuels innovation and investment in the field, fostering an environment conducive to refining the Live Shopping experience. This trend amplifies Live Commerce’s potential to reshape e-commerce by providing authentic, real-time interactions that capture and sustain buyer interest.

Marketing Industry Headwinds  Negative Macro Trends in Ecommerce

1. Privacy Concerns: Cookies by Google

Google’s decision to phase out third-party cookies has profound implications for data collection and targeted advertising. Ecommerce Marketers are compelled to explore alternative methods to gather buyer insights.

This shift has prompted brands to prioritize first-party data and build more direct relationships with their buyers. For instance, a clothing brand might offer exclusive discounts to shoppers who opt-in to their newsletter, or sign up for their Live Shopping Show, thereby collecting valuable data.

2. Privacy Concerns: Privacy by Apple

Apple’s privacy-centric updates, including App Tracking Transparency (ATT), have limited marketers’ ability to track user data across apps. This poses challenges for personalized marketing messages and precise audience targeting. To adapt, brands focus on contextual targeting and fostering trust through transparency.

Read More: Upselling and Cross-Selling in Ecommerce: 5 Strategies to Succeed.

3. Ad Blockers and Ad Fatigue

The proliferation of ad blockers and the growing ad fatigue among buyers has led to a decline in the effectiveness of traditional digital advertising. This has driven marketers to seek more engaging and non-intrusive approaches.

By offering interactive content, Brands can capture buyers’ attention in a more meaningful way.

4. Skepticism Toward Traditional Advertising

Buyers are becoming increasingly skeptical of static display ads and traditional advertising methods. This skepticism has prompted marketers to explore more authentic and interactive ways of engaging with audiences. Live Shopping addresses this by creating a transparent, real-time environment where brands can directly communicate with their buyers, fostering trust and credibility.


Live Shopping shines as a beacon of innovation and engagement in an era marked by dynamic marketing industry trends. It harnesses the positive forces of technological advancements and shifting buyer preferences while mitigating the challenges of Privacy concerns, Ad Blockers, and skepticism toward traditional advertising. Market Trends in Ecommerce provide Brands with an avenue to break through the clutter, create genuine connections, and offer memorable experiences that resonate in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

As Brands navigate the complexities and opportunities presented by the changing marketing landscape, embracing Live Shopping emerges as a dynamic and effective strategy. By adopting Live Shopping, Brands can transcend traditional limitations, engage their buyers on a deeper level, and craft experiences that endure in a swiftly changing digital world.

The convergence of technology, evolving buyer behavior, and the pursuit of authenticity positions Live Shopping as an indispensable tool for marketers seeking to excel in the ever-changing marketing landscape.

Embrace the possibilities Live Shopping offers and drive your Brand’s growth to new heights with’s comprehensive features. Would you like to explore what can do for your brand? Request a Demo today!

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